Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can't think of any good song quotes..sue me

This is probably my quickest completed piece ever, but not by choice. I meant to start this a week ago but because of my internship I ended up having to wait till the last minute =/

The point of it was to play on her header, which mentions her closet. I tried incorporating some actual garments in there, some more successfully than others...also I included two skirts of mine mwhaaha.
Anddd hopefully if my new painting comes out this well then I will be a very lucky intern. Not to toot my own horn, but I've grown quite fond of this incomplete figure painting. It was the last assignment in our painting class, and probably the most enjoyable.

Tonight Ill try and get the freakin Office episode working again and knit, and prepare for battle of the canvas tomorrow...because I am totally 20 years old and not freakin 80 at all...(goes off to find her walking stick)

On a side note, it really bums me out that the Long Blondes broke up even though that was awhile ago.


  1. REALLY nice figure painting. i'm terrified of life painting. ick.

  2. Well your excellent at pretty much everything I am not!
